My Life as a Renovator

I recently made a two week trip to Euless, TX to oversee a remodel of one of our houses. This house was in need of foundation repair, a new roof, exterior brick and stone repair, landscaping, and general modernizing.

New roof

My husband, who has many talents in the construction field, suggested, “You should stay in the house while it is being renovated.”

“Are you kidding me? No one, I repeat, no one would think that is a good idea.”

So, I texted a bunch of friends and told them my plans. My friend asked, “Where will you be staying?”

I said, “With you?”

“Sure, come on down!”

And so, I stayed with her and her children, four dogs and a cat. One child graciously gave me her room, which, as it turned out, it was for purely mutually beneficial reasons. I got a private room, and she liked sleeping with her mom.

Brick and stone work

Another friend made an observation, “You sure do a lot of renovations.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Well, you did that house in Dallas.”

Oh yeah, that house. It was a rental in the “hood” as one realtor described it, and it took me an hour to drive there. That was a grueling renovation with foundation repair, painting inside and out, and new everything.

But the sale of that house enabled us to buy another house in Euless, which turned out to be another complete rehab.


Gasp, I really do a lot of renovations!

So, realizing now that renovating houses has defined me, the blog will take a new turn: My Life as a Renovator.

Stay tuned for my search for the perfect property in Columbus, OH, which will be, what else? A rehab.