How to Host a Jewelry Swap

Have you ever attended a swap party? A jewelry swap party is a great way to get together with friends, be eco-friendly, clean out your closet, and maybe even get some fabulous things for yourself.

I recently hosted a jewelry swap, asking friends to bring their jewelry, scarves, purses, and accessories together for an evening of fun, food, and fashion.

My invitation also said that there may be some jewelry for sale. Now, some jewelry parties are held specifically for selling jewelry, but this was not one of those. This party was for us to get some cool stuff for free.

Over twenty friends came. We set up one table for jewelry, one table for scarves, and another table for purses.

Table of jewelry

We were in uncharted territory as to how to proceed, so I invited the four most senior guests to start first. After they got what they wanted, it was free for all to choose their items. Everyone was very modest.

Showing off.

Of course, wanting to remember the ones who were not able to make it, I encouraged that we chose items for them.

I chose this for a friend who likes bling.

Many said they didn’t want to take their stuff back home, so we decided to donate the remaining items to the local women’s shelter.

My husband came later to scarf (pun intended) up the food. No other guys were there, but my friend Julie’s husband had earlier said, “Can you imagine guys getting together for an old tool swap?” Very funny, but I told her to let him know she got one of the best pieces of the night: a long strand of ultraviolet freshwater pearls from Hawaii! I may borrow it sometime!

The evening was such a success. People said they were unsure how it was going to play out, (me too) but it turned out wonderfully.

So what about you? Will you host a swap party?

Published by

Nanci Singleton

Hi, I'm Nanci and this lifestyle blog is about inspiring and being inspired to live a more purposeful life.