Person of Purpose One Year Anniversary

Person of Purpose lifestyle blog celebrates one year! Yay, woo hoo! I am happy and proud to say that in one year I wrote 29 posts. It was challenging, at times hand-wringing, but in my book, I’d like to think I brought the sizzle, not the fizzle.

Originally, I intended to have a FOOD category, showcasing ethnic foods and reviewing restaurants located in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. However, I only had one post for Peruvian food. Huh.

Now that we have moved to Columbus, OH, I will be writing about restaurants here. Also, since I post a lot of my food on Instagram (nancisingleton), I plan to write reviews about my meals from the food box delivery service, Home Chef.

Home Chef meal

Other categories were CREATIVE, HOME, MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS, and REFLECTIONS. It turns out I had no posts on money, even though being frugal is my thing. Weird.

On the HOME front, I think it’s funny to have devoted so much attention to yard care, when now, I don’t even have a yard.

Thanks to all who read the blog and commented. What were some of your favorite posts? Feel free to revisit any previous posts below.

And get ready for more posts coming your way from Person of Purpose.






Published by

Nanci Singleton

Hi, I'm Nanci and this lifestyle blog is about inspiring and being inspired to live a more purposeful life.